On these pages are offered the experience, trust and love of Marshall McComb, a grateful student of A Course in Miracles.*
Our Identity is not limited to what our bodies’ eyes behold, nor are we limited to our bodies. This site is dedicated to the radical understanding that all existence, all life is formless, spacious, all-encompassing Love. For God is Love, and everything is created in His Image. You have my wholehearted welcome to this journey beyond words in our eternal Identity to our eternal Home.
The Holy Spirit’s Word for Today
My partner, Donna, and I yield to God’s deep and all-encompassing Love. We begin each day in meditation on selections from A Course in Miracles, in gratitude for the Love that unites us and for the Holy Spirit’s unfailing and ultimately reassuring Guidance.
Love is Oneness. There’s no turning back.
An extended version of the Holy Spirit’s Word may be found here.
And so it is.
* A Course in Miracles is published by the Foundation for Inner Peace.